Your blog title and tagline are one of the first things a reader sees when visiting your blog.

What’s On This Page?

  • Blog Title
  • Tagline

Title and tagline

Blog Title

The blog title is displayed in the title bar of a web browser and in the header of most themes.

Your blog title is one of the first things a reader sees when visiting your blog.  Choose a name that reflects the purpose of your class blog and your students can relate to.

You change your title as follows:

1.  Go to Settings > General.

General Settings page

2.  Change the Site Title.

Site Title

3.  Click Save Changes.

Click Save Changes


The concept behind a blog tagline is to create a memorable phrase that sums up the tone and premise of a blog.

Ideally all blogs should have a tagline since they instantly tell first time readers what your blogs all about and whether you write posts in topic areas that interest them.

You change your tagline as follows:

1.  Go to Settings > General.

General Settings page

2.  Change the Tagline.

Add tagline

3.  Click Save Changes.

Click Save Changes