Linking to articles, websites or other blogger’s post when you write about them is an important part of blogging.

Your readers want to be able to easy check out the information without needing to Google. Failure to link is a common mistake of all new bloggers!

What’s On This Page?

  • When to Link
  • Adding a link
  • Removing a Link

When to Link

It’s good blogging etiquette to link to:

  1. A person’s blog if you mention a blogger
  2. The post if you are talking about a particular post on a blog
  3. Website or article if mentioned in your post

Adding a link

1.  Copy the URL of the website you want to link to.

2.   In the post that you are writing (1) highlight the text you want linked to the website and click on (2) Insert/Edit Link button.

3.  Paste the URL into (1) URL box and then click (2) Add Link.

4.  When you view your blog you should now see the text is now linked in your post.

Removing a Link

To remove a link you highlight the text and then click on the unlink icon.